Social media


Follow us on Twitter

Twitter is one of the great ways to join us in conversation about anything from events coming up to workout ideas or if you're looking for a good read. Follow us by clicking the links below and say hello! 

Derby Parks Twitter
Derby Libraries Twitter
Derby LIVE Twitter


Like us on Facebook

Find us on Facebook and we'll keep you up to date with images, videos and information about what's happening and events that are coming up.

Derby Arena Facebook
Springwood Leisure Centre Facebook
Derby Parks Facebook
Derby Libraries Facebook
Derby LIVE Facebook 

Derby Active Group Exercise Facebook Group

Derby Arena Cycle Hub Facebook Group


Watch us on YouTube

Have a look at our YouTube channel for trailers and video clips.

Derby LIVE YouTube

InDerby YouTube


See us on Flickr

Visit our Flickr pages to browse through images of our facilities, activities and events.

In Derby Flickr
Derby Arena Flickr
Derby LIVE Flickr


See us on Instagram

Visit our Instagram page to see our most recent posts and pictures.

InDerby Instagram

Derby Parks Instagram

Derby Active Instagram