Derby Active At Home

Derby Active is proud to announce its new online class programme.
JOIN ONLINE HERE for only £4.99 a month, with no joining fees.
Choose from over 1,000 classes at home!
- Bootcamp
- Box and Fit
- Cardio
- Zumba
- Cycling
- Dance
- Yoga, Mind and relaxation
- Strength
- Wellness
Choose the length of time you want to exercise:
Less than 10mins, 10-20 mins, 20-30mins, 30-45mins, 45-60 mins, you’re in control.
Press PLAY and ENJOY!

The online class platform is provided by ‘Wexer On-Demand’ and is easy to use. Log onto the InDerby App available through Google or Apple, and then select Derby Active, followed by On Demand.
If you are an All-Inclusive Derby Active Member these classes are FREE and included in your member package. Once you are on the app, you should see the classes available, no further log-in will be required.
For new people, who want to workout from home, join for only £4.99 a month and enjoy the Derby Active at Home membership.
JOIN ONLINE HERE then download the InDerby App, selecting Derby Active as your Club site.
Derby Active at Home class membership