Cycling Survey Feedback

Track cycling at derby arena

Thank you to everyone who completed the 'Let's Talk Derby Cycling Survey', in Nov and Dec 2022. With over 200 completed surveys, this information will be used to shape the service moving forward. 

The results are as follows: 

  • 98.5% of the people who completed the survey had used the Derby Arena indoor cycling track, with 63.5% using the track in the past three months. 
  • 59.7% of survey participants, said they would most likely recommend Derby Arena cycling activities to a friend or colleague, providing a score of 10, highly likely. This was supported by a further 26.4% of participants scoring between 8 and 9. This provides a Net Promoter Score of 30 which is very good and reassuring as a facility that our customer would recommend us. 
  • From the survey it was identified that over 30% of survey participants hadn't returned to use the track in the past 12 months. The main reason given was due to other factors, but cost and time were also reasons given. To encourage them back we will be offering anyone previously accredited at Derby Arena and who hasn't used the track for the past 6 months a 20% discount to use against their first session to get back out on the boards! These sessions are supported by our great coaches they will get you back up to speed in no time. 


The image below shows a pie chart of the results for the survey question, when had participants last used Derby Arena track. 

Cycling Survey Image 3 Last users of Track.png


  • 85% of survey participants considered themselves to be frequent cyclist. 
  • Fitness was determined as a huge motivator by the respondents. 
  • We will be looking to implement a rating for our sessions on the website so users can see the recommended level of fitness for each of our sessions
  • As fun and social is important to our users, we are setting up a cycling forum, where on the agenda to be discussed will be potential fitness and social sessions.

The bar chart below shows the survey responses for motivation for cycling. 

Cycling Survey Image 2 Motivation.png

  • The majority of the survey participants stated that they cycled on the indoor track once a week and completed road cycling two/three times a week. A significant number of respondents also used turbo rollers at least twice a week, and this was also the main form of cycling during poor weather. 
  • There was a variety of services and activities that survey participants suggested they were interested in, which is shown in the bar chart below. From your suggestions, we will be trailing strength and conditioning sessions for cyclists with our excellent gym team. Plus, in the coming year we will also be looking to book cycling talks, question and answer sessions, and cycling specific workshops If there is anything not listed you would be interested in please let the Derby Arena Cycling Coaches know or come along to the cycling forums. 

The bar chart below shows the variety of suggested activities and sports by the survey respondents. 

Cycling Survey Image 1 Activites.png 



You said, we did 

The following comments have been selected as common themes form the questions asked by participants of the survey. 

Q1: The Madison sessions are fantastic, more of these would be great

Response: These are now regularly timetabled in rotation with The Derny sessions on Thursday evenings

Q2: Beginner SQT was a great way to progress my track cycling skills could you please put more on.

Response: Beginner SQTs are now scheduled on Monday evenings 6-8pm, hire is still included!

Q3: Can the cycle forum be online so more people can attend or on a day where there is a track sessions to make my trip worthwhile.

Response: The next cycle forum in March will be online hybrid, and also on an evening where there is a track session.

Q4: Some coached sessions can be repetitive it would be good to mix up the coaches sometimes

Response: We will be undertaking some mystery cyclist visits to ensure that all our coaches deliver great quality sessions that deliver against our session plans. 

Q5. Derby velodrome can be expensive especially after travel costs.

We have a range of discounts that are available to residents and non-residents of Derby including the leisure card, along with discounted junior and over-75 rates. We have also kept the price of our SQT the same as it was in 2022 as we understand the current expense to come to sessions regularly.

Q6. More drop-in sessions later in the day and opportunities to use start gates

More drop-ins in the day are planned and extra start gate drop-ins will be put on in the run up to competitions.

Q7. Access to riders D in advance of sessions.

We have agreed with the team that access to the cycle d can be granted on arrival as long as there is space with the session on track at the time.

Q8. A cycling focused strength and conditioning class.

We had a large amount of interest in strength & conditioning sessions within the survey and we will work with the Health & Wellbeing team to get these started.

Q9. Is there a way we can advertise bikes for sale in the Arena?

We now have a Cycling Hub noticeboard at the bottom of the cycle D ramp that we will be keeping up to date with cycling related news and content. If anyone wants to advertise a bike or a club wants to advertise a session to attract riders / buyers we would be happy to display a sign for you.


Have your say 

You don't have to wait for the next cycling survey to have your say, you can:

  1. Speak with a Cycling Coach.
  2. Speak to reception staff.
  3. Complete the online form, available on the Have Your Say web page. 
  4. Come along to the cycling forum meetings, which is next scheduled for Thu 9 Mar, 6pm, online.  If you would like to attend, email your request and the team will send the Teams link to join.