How to join?

Anyone, of any age, can join the library as long as you live, work or study in Derby.
To join, visit a library and bring proof of your live, work or study in Derby status, for example:
- medical card
- driving licence
- gas or electricity bill
- b_Line card for 11 – 19 year olds
- Payslip
- School, college or university book bag
- School/college/university/company name badge
- Letter from your employer/school/college/university
- School/college/university/company uniform
If you are under 12 your parent or another adult must sign the membership form. This adult must be prepared to take responsibility for what you borrow.
When joining the library, you will be asked how you want to receive hold and overdue notification. The options are e-mail and letter. Please note that e-mails are free but we will charge all customers, except for under 12s, for letters.
You can also join the library online.
I am already a library member, how do I get a PIN?
You need a PIN - personal identification number - to use our online services, including:
Call in person or telephone your local library. Give your borrower number to the staff who will activate your PIN straightaway.
What does it cost to join the library?
It is free to join the library and to borrow books. There are charges for some library services. Take a look at our charges page for details.
When can I use my ticket?
Straightaway. If you lose the ticket, please tell us as soon as possible. You are responsible for anything issued on the ticket, even if you have not used it yourself. Please also tell us if you change your address, your e-mail address or mobile phone number.
How many items can I borrow?
- if you are aged under 12 you can borrow up to ten items
- if you are aged 12 and over you can borrow up to 20 items.
This is a combined total of books, audio books and magazines.
How long can I keep books and audio books?
For three weeks from the date you borrowed them.
What if I keep them longer?
We will charge a late fee if you keep items after the date they are due back. Children under 12 don't pay late fees.
How do I avoid paying late fees?
You can renew your items up to four times:
- online through the library catalogue.
- by telephone
- in the library. (You don't need to bring the books into the library to get them renewed – all you need to do is give staff your borrower number or the bar code of the book which you’ll find below the date label).
If you pay hire charges for audio books there will be a further charge to re-hire them.
Will I always be able to renew my books and audio books?
No. You will not be able to renew your books and audiobooks if someone else has placed a hold on them.
How do I get a book or audiobook if it isn’t in my library?
You can place a hold on items that are on loan or in another library. You can do this yourself online or staff can do it for you.
What if I can't get to the library anymore?
If you can't use the library by yourself anymore, perhaps because of age or illness, we have a Home Library Service.
What if I lose or damage an item?
If you lose an item, or if an item is damaged while it is on loan to you, you may have to pay to replace it.
Do you have a hospital stay at Derby Royal Hospital coming up?
Why not join the library to use the eLibrary service before you go into the hospital so you have all your favourite books and magazines ready to go using the eLibary?
To use the service, all you will need is your Library member number and pin. This will allow you to browse and select eBooks, emagazines, enewspapers and eAudiobooks from the BorrowBox website or mobile app.