Derby Libraries terms and conditions

Derby Libraries, part of Derby City Council, run statutory libraries in Derby. When you join Derby Libraries, you will be asked to sign a Membership Agreement Form. By signing this Agreement, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions which are listed below.
1. You must treat all staff and fellow customers with respect and consideration.
2. Derby Libraries will process your personal data in accordance with the library service provision and in line with the Data Protection Act 2018. We will only use your data for the purposes of recording and managing your library membership, unless we are required by law to process your data for another purpose. Full details on how your data will be processed can be found at
3. Library services in Derby are a mix of Statutory Libraries (libraries run by the council) and Community Managed Libraries (CMLs, libraries run by the community).
3.1 Volunteers who work in CMLs will not have access to any of your personal data. Should you choose to use a CML, volunteers will only have access to your ticket number and your profile (for example, whether you are an adult or a child). CMLs need your ticket number and profile to be able to deliver a library service to you and will use this data in connection with that purpose only. For information on how your data is used in a CML please ask to see their privacy notice.
3.2 When you get your library card, you can choose whether you write your name on it or not; there is no obligation for you to do this, it is at your discretion. If you choose to, and then use it in a CML, you will be sharing personal data - your name - with the CML on an “explicit consent by affirmative action” basis.
4. There are two levels of membership – full and basic / provisional
4.1 Full membership enables you to access the full range of library services, including borrowing books, using public computers and accessing e-books. To get full membership you must:
• live, work or study in Derby or Derbyshire
• be able to prove your address to a member of Derby City Council staff
• be able to prove your work or study status if you don’t live in Derby or Derbyshire. (As above, to a member of Derby City Council staff)
4.2 Basic / provisional membership enables you to look at the library catalogue and borrow two non-chargeable items without having proof of ID. This is a temporary membership and you are expected to bring in ID (as detailed above) to enable your membership to be converted to full as soon as you can. Provisional memberships expire after three months.
4.3 Both levels of membership entitle you to use any library run by Derby City Council and any of Derby’s CMLs.
5. You agree to assist us in keeping your data accurate and up to date by notifying us of any changes to the personal data you have previously provided. This data includes, but is not limited to, your email address and contact details. You must inform Derby Libraries of any such changes within two weeks of the change(s) occurring.
6. Once the joining process is complete, you will be given a membership card and a PIN. You must bring these with you each time you visit the library otherwise you may be refused access to our services.
7. Your membership card is for your own use only and is valid for use in use any library run by Derby City Council and any of Derby’s CMLs.
You are responsible for:
• keeping your membership card and PIN safe and secure
• ensuring there is no improper use of your membership card and/or PIN
• all items borrowed on your card
• lost/damaged items, these may have to be paid for
• paying any late fees or other charges that you owe
• reporting the loss or theft of your card to us within 48 hours
You must not:
• use anyone else’s membership card and/or PIN.
• allow anyone else to use your membership card and/or PIN.
8. All items borrowed must be returned or renewed on or before the due back date.
9. If you keep items after the due back date you will be charged for, and liable to pay, any late fees that apply.
10. To use our public computers you must be a full member of the library service and always have your membership card with you. If you do not have your membership card with you, you may be refused access to the computers.
11. You must use our ICT systems responsibly, and use our public computers in accordance with our public computer terms and conditions, details of which may be accessed at
12. If you no longer want to use the library you must return any items you have borrowed and hand in your membership card for cancellation. If there are any outstanding charges on your membership card you will be expected to pay them.
Failure to comply with these terms and conditions may result in the suspension or cancellation of your library membership.
These terms and conditions are made under the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964.