Home Library Service

If you can’t get to the library or have difficulty carrying books, we can bring the library to you with the Home Library Service.
What is the Home Library Service and who is it for?
The Home Library Service can arrange for you to have books delivered to your home on a regular basis if you can't get to the library yourself due to ill-health, disability or infirmity.
We offer:
- standard print, large print and audiobooks
- eBooks for those customers who have the Internet at home
- information leaflets
- a request service - if you would like to borrow a particular title we can try to get it for you
From time to time there may be a waiting list for this service.
More information on the service
Do I have to pay for this service?
No, it is free to borrow the books, there are no fines to pay and there is no charge to deliver or collect the books.
How does it work?
We will talk to you about your reading interests and then match you with a volunteer or member of staff who will bring you a selection of materials carefully chosen with you in mind. They will visit you every 6 weeks to exchange the items you have borrowed.
A friend, neighbour or relative could also do this on your behalf. If you know someone who would be willing to visit the library for you, we can register them as a “Friend or Family member”.
What if I live in sheltered housing or a care home?
We deliver collections of books to some sheltered housing schemes and care homes.
Are you interested in this service or do you know someone who might be?
Contact your local library or call the Home Library Service on 01332 640617, Minicom 01332 640666, or you can email the Home Library Service for more information.
Get involved
Volunteers can deliver books to Home Library Service customers. If you know anyone who would be interested in doing this, they can find out more by looking at our Volunteering page.