Libraries offer to schools

Find out more about our offer to schools and other educational groups.
Download our information sheet Derby City Libraries offer to schools which brings together some useful resources for schools in Derby.
Visits to libraries
We welcome group visits to all our libraries by schools, nurseries, children's centres, playgroups and other out-of-school groups.
Prior booking is essential, normally with a minimum of half a term’s notice.
All requests will be considered, but we cannot guarantee a visit on a particular day or at a particular time.
What happens during a typical visit?
Exact content may vary according to the age of the children, but we aim to give:
- A general introduction to children's library services
- Practical advice on using the catalogue and searching for stock
- Information about our regular activities and forthcoming special events
- Time to browse, choose and borrow books
- An interactive engaging story or rhymetime
Can you tailor a visit to support current topics of study?
- We don’t tailor visits to support curriculum delivery, except to support local history study as part of the primary history curriculum. See below for further details
- If you want topic-related books or other resources to support curriculum delivery, contact the Derbyshire and Derby School Library Service on 01332 371921 or email
Will children be able to borrow a book?
- We encourage all children and young people to become members of the library and borrow books during group visits.
- If children already have their own library ticket they can use this to borrow items during the visit.
- Where children aren’t already members, ask about our options for prior registration before the visit at the time of booking.
How do I book a visit?
- You need to contact the library that you want to visit or e-mail us at
- We will ask you to provide details about the number and age range of the children attending and if any have special needs, as well as your preferred date and time and alternatives.
- We will check if the preferred date is available and get back to confirm details or to discuss further.
Local history research and support for teachers
Derby Local Studies and Family History Library offers support for teachers and schools in delivering the primary history curriculum.
There are a number of ways the library can support teachers and schools in delivering the primary history curriculum:
- Supported teacher research and gathering of resources for classroom delivery
- Paid librarian research service, including themed bespoke teaching resource packages for schools with suggested classroom activities.
- School group visits to Derby Local Studies and Family History Library
- Other learning opportunities such as the creation of a history trail tailored to a specific local area.
To find out more call the library on 01332 642240 or email
Everything begins with reading! Year 7 library activity day
This offer for secondary schools is designed to showcase what the public library service can offer Year 7 students to support their out of school learning, both through reading for pleasure and self-directed study
It will support children’s transition to secondary school, helping to inspire and engage them as they start their time at a new school.
Students will participate in a programme of interactive activities at the Central Library.
What activities will students take part in?
Students will experience three half-hour activities during their session and rotate in groups of up to 40 students around each one:
- Promotional reading activity: students will discover what public libraries offer and how to make more informed reading choices, including time to browse and borrow books.
- Local studies activity: we will introduce your students to unique original sources to investigate a local history topic.
- Professional poetry or storytelling performance: an interactive, entertaining session aimed to get your students thinking.
How many students can take part at each session?
- We can accommodate up to 120 students for a half-day session at the Central Library, a total of 240 students across the whole day. Each half-day session requires a minimum of two hours at the library. Exact timings can be negotiated to fit with your school day.
- We can also run this as a half-day activity for smaller sized year groups.
What else do I need to consider?
- All students need to be members of the library and borrow a book on the day. This may require prior registration.
- Schools must ensure sufficient accompanying staff to support participatory learning activities.
- This opportunity relies on full use of the Central Library building, outside of public opening hours. Therefore it is limited to Wednesdays only.
- We require at least three months’ notice to make necessary arrangements ahead of your visit
What are the costs for this day?
- Full Day £500
- Half Day £300
- Costs do not include transport
To find out more or to book a session email or call 01332 640761.