
Myzone aims to help people feel-good about exercise through technology.
Myzone is an innovative wearable heart rate based system that uses wireless and cloud technology to accurately and conveniently monitor physical activity. Myzone delivers a fully connected solution for anyone who wants an accurate gamified and motivating wearable experience. Myzone monitors heart rate, calories and time exercising that converts into Myzone Effort Points (MEPs), with a focus on rewarding effort rather than fitness.
Speak to the team at Springwood Leisure Centre for more information.
Myzone Xvert
Introducing Myzone Xvert, which is small group training on gym floor with the rig and Myzone monitors The session includes a mixture of CV and Functional Training.
Available at Springwood Leisure Centre, book your session online.

What is Myzone?
How do I register a new monitor?
What are facility codes?
How to find your belt ID?
How do I wear the belt?
MEPS Explained
MZ-3 Belt Review